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Research Goal

ORIGINS is a catalyst for change

Changing the health of future generations

The ultimate goal of ORIGINS is to reduce the rising epidemic of non-communicable diseases through 'a healthy start to life'.

ORIGINS is providing:

  • A stronger focus on a 'healthy start' for short and long term disease prevention.
  • Deeper understanding of the common early biological pathways that lead to disease.

The project is five years into establishing a major new birth cohort with detailed data and sample collection, including detailed environmental and biological profiling using cutting edge technologies such as metagenomics, immune profiling, metabolomics, and genomics.

Through strong partnerships with the Raine Study and other existing cohorts, we are extending the knowledge frontier to explore the new and different challenges facing the generation of children today.

We have initiated a series of intervention studies aimed at improving a broad range of health outcomes by favourably modifying the early environment, such as our clinical trial aimed at improving maternal gut health in pregnancy and lactation to improve early metabolic and immune health of the developing baby.

Interventions that focus on all modifiable elements of the early life environment are part of our logical, large-scale and effective long-term strategy, to improve all aspects of physical and psychological wellbeing - both in childhood and in later life.

These include:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Time spent outdoors
  • Smoking and pollutants
  • Microbial diversity
  • Water, air and food quality

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept describes how maternal and environmental factors during a child's life, right from conception, can affect that child's growth and development.

Find out more about DOHaD

Family smiling. Mum Dad daughter