Chronic conditions are not always only physical. Mental health and wellness is critical to the overall wellbeing of a person, and can also impact on physical health.
Researchers are exploring the mental wellbeing of families and their experience of pregnancy and parenthood, and effective support options available. Mental health development of the child is also explored, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our ORIGINS families.
The Mums Minds Matter study is comparing three stress-reduction training programs across a custom-designed app that is working to increase long-term mental health skill application among perinatal women.
The ORIGINS Community Wellbeing during COVID-19 Project is investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emotional wellbeing, family functioning and perceived stress on families.
Providing expectant and new Dads with a health check-up
An experimental study linked to the Mums Minds Matter project, which aims to determine if pregnant women's willingness to engage in online wellbeing programs varies across types.