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Mums Minds Matter

Exploring support options for the emotional health, well-being and stress among pregnant women.

The Mums Minds Matter study looks at support options for the emotional health, well-being and reduction of stress among pregnant women.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood can involve many new challenges.

This project aims to pilot three different programs of support for emotional health, to compare how they influence well-being and stress among pregnant women.

Who can participate?

The study is seeking women;

  • less than 30 weeks pregnant,
  • currently participating in ORIGINS,
  • speak english, and
  • have internet access

What does participation involve?

When you join the study, you will be randomly allocated to one of three stress-reduction training programs. All programs involve a short (around 15 minutes) meditation or relaxation exercise to complete once a day for eight weeks.

Participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire when they finish the program.

There are no costs for participation in the project and all materials will be provided.

What are the possible benefits for taking part?

We expect, based on past research, that completing these exercises will be helpful at improving your well-being and reducing your feelings of stress. Following this project, we aim to conduct a larger study that will investigate whether there are additional benefits for babies.

Additionally, if you complete the online surveys as requested, you will be reimbursed $30 at the conclusion of the study for your time.

The Mums Minds Matter project is being conducted at the Joondalup Health Campus in collaboration with The Kids Research Institute Australia, and researchers at the University of Western Australia.

Pregnant belly with hands

The Mums Minds Matter study is now recruiting participants.

For more information